Science and Technology Park (STP) “ACADEMICA” is one of the first innovational structure created in Moldova.The State Enterprise “Aselteh”, Director G. Popovici, was named the Administrator of STP “Academica” through the decision of Supreme Court for Science and Technology Development, no. 78.
The activities of this park are in the following domains: renewable energy, saving technology of nanotechnology, informatics, food security, etc.At the moment, the STP “Academica” is realizing innovative projects in diverse domains and has 13 residents.
For more details, please visit the STP website:
In April 2009, the Supreme Court for Science and Technology Development adopted the act no. 62 regarding the creation of Science and Technology Park (STP) “MICRONANOTEH”. The STP “Micronanoteh” is developing its activities in microelectronic and nanotechnology within the Institute for Scientific Research “ELIRI” which has a total surface of 320 m2.
The activities of residents of the Science and Technology Park “Micronanoteh” are in the following domains: nanotechnology, informational technology, technological and electronic equipment for producing micro-nanostructures, etc.
The Institute for Scientific Research “ELIRI”, Director- Efim Badinter was named the Administrator of the Science and Technology Parks “Micronanoteh” as a result of the contest and through the decision of Supreme Court for Science and Technology Development, no. 120 from July 30, 2009.
At the moment, 3 residents are realizing innovative projects in diverse domains within the STP “Micronanoteh”.
For more details, please visit the STP website:
In July 2008, the Supreme Council for Science and Technology Development adopted the Decision no. 155 regarding the creation of Science and Technology Park “INAGRO”. The production infrastructure of this park includes a complex of buildings located on an area of over 15 hectares, an agricultural land of 92.5 hectares, as well as the subsidiary of Scientific Complex of Production located in Cahul, Moldova.
The activities of residents of Science and Technology Park “Inagro” are in the following domains: organic farming, the implementation of new technologies for agricultural production products and for storage and freezing fresh fruits and vegetables; the implementation of conservation and drying technologies, the implementation of new forms of marketing and selling the agricultural production on the domestic and external market.
Ltd “Agroecoprod” was appointed the Administrator of the Science and Technology Parks “Inagro” as a result of the contest and through the decision of Supreme Court for Science and Technology Development, no. 263 from December 25, 2008. At the moment, the STP “Inagro” is realizing innovative projects in agricultural and food industry domain and has 13 residents.